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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-05-07 - 3:48 p.m.

Good day all and TGIF. Before I forget, I want to thank those of you who have been so kind about the death of my client. In a way I feel guilty for being upset about it, I mean, its not like I'm her family or even that I knew her that well, those people have a right to be so much more upset, you know? I also feel weird about worrying or complaining about the mundane things in my life, things can be so awful for so many others


Tonight I plan to do the packing for my big trip we leave to visit the fam in the morning and I leave for Poland on Wednesday, I can't believe its here already!

Aside from that, the husband had a great job interview today and things are looking positive for him to get it, oh how I hope he does! Keep those candles lit and good thoughts coming. He has also been busy roofing our new house, I'm lucky to be with such a handy guy.

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