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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-05-08 - 6:24 p.m.

Today has been a bit nuts. I am still so sad about my client, yesterday I said she was 20, let me correct myself she was just 19, a teenager. They haven't publicly revealed her identity yet, nor has anyone been arrested, though the boyfriend is the obvious suspect and I don't think anyone doubts he did it. Its a scary world.

Aside from all that I am packing for my Poland trip since we are leaving Saturday to spend a few days with the fam first. I am dreading seeing the stepfather (and I'm sure the feeling is mutual) but it will be great to see Mom and the grandparents. I am also feeling fat since all the clothes I'm packing seem to be a bit snug. Crap. There are worse things though, now aren't there? I expect I'll actually lose weight on the trip since I won't be left alone to binge any of the time and we will be doing a TON of walking...we'll see.

Reading: Living Wicca

Listening To: Dar Williams

Feeling: Odd

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