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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-04-06 - 6:01 p.m.

Well, I survived the day yesterday without having to endure watching 'Hellboy', like I said, I refuse. In fact, we didn't do much of anything last night (caught some basketball on TV) or today. I've been the epitome of laziness today if you must know.

Now I must confess the fantasies I've been having about injuring my moronic husband. What did he do to derserve such treatment you ask? When he went to the store for the newspaper this morning he came home with donuts, or doughnuts, or the work of the devil, whichever you like to refer to them as. He knows full and goddamn well that I am trying not to eat white sugar OR white flour, that I believe I am addicted to these and he brings them home anyway? For crying out fucking loud eat them in the fucking car or something, don't bring that evil into my house!!! His explanation...I can't help it, I'm having these wicked cravings, all we eat is protein and vegetables, it sucks. Idiot. I rest my case.

PS--I haven't given in yet.

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