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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-04-05 - 4:54 p.m.

Happy Saturday to all. It is a beautiful day here and I have been most productive. Last night after work I came home and cleaned the house, made dinner, and took a lovely bath. Then I relaxed and read for awhile, it really was a remarkable evening, in a very unremarkable way I guess. Today I went to the law school open house and I must confess I am getting so excited to be a student again. I couldn't wait to get out of school before, but I think that must have been because I didn't know how easy I had it. Sure it will be a strain financially, but I think we can hack it. I also took our dear one to the dog park today so he could fill his quota of sniffing asses and humping unexpecting golden retrievers, his latest type of interest. I feel optimistic and energetic today. I don't know why really, combination of the gorgeous weather, no work, and the diet I think. I will probably be back to surliness by Monday when I have to go to work again. (In case your wondering, I haven't ruled out the bipolar possibility either). Honestly.

The husband should be coming home soon and I may try to con him into taking me to a movie, or maybe not. He seems fixated on going to see 'Hellboy' (yes, I'm serious), and I refuse. We'll see if a compromise can be reached. By compromise, I mean of course that he goes to see something that I want to see, thereby getting my way. Evil. Yes. Spoiled. Yes. Apologetic? No.

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