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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-04-10 - 6:46 p.m.

its been a day. it started mid morning at work when i got the info. that a local police officer beat up his ex-wife and kid last night. was i surprised, well no. but in the podunk ass town where i work this is huge news, and i'm trying to run interference and support the victims amid cries that she is a liar and he wouldn't do such a thing. right so she put those choke marks around her neck herself, is that what you want me to believe. then i find out that the young woman i wrote of yesterday that was trying to disappear was caught trying to get from michigan to canada and arrested on the warrant a judge here executed for her because she wasn't complying with the visitation order to deliver her children every other weekend to the man who tortured them and her for years. hmmm...and to make it worse, when she was arrested they decided to hold the children until he can go there and get them, that's right he takes custody. i am so upset for so many reasons, not the least of which being that someone in the chain to help this woman underground was careless dammit...i want to cry for her and her babies. i have been going on about such matters for days now i realize, but its my diary and i'll write about what i want.

after work, i went to meet with the home inspector and all is mostly good there, a few little things we will negotiate over but nothing to freak out about. at this point they could tell me the house was going to spontaneously combust in 3 months and i wouldn't care i just want all the crap taken care of. i'm getting ready for the weekend trip to see the fam and begging the husband to come along although i know he won't. terrible to torture him with guilt i guess, but that's the way it goes...

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