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I'm off!

2004-03-18 - 2:54 p.m.

greetings all...things today are going well. i was down a pound from yesterday this a.m. and am still on the wagon, saw the new shrink this morning and that went pretty well, she asked a lot of questions though and i have to say i've gotten used to the "hi, here's a prescription" method so it put me off a bit. then i came to work and my state monitor person was here and that went well too, i had everything she was looking for and she told me what a great job i was doing. funny, since 80% of the time i'm fucking around on the internet and doing nothing, guess that's government employment for ya. i have to stay late tonight though because i have to speak to a group of cops about domestic violence, that's always fun. they are ever-so-sensitive to the topic. i'm sure i'll get the usual idiot comments about how women deserve their beatings har har har...i'll just be hanging around the office watching the tournament basketball until then so that'll be ok with me. no sense in going home its 45 minutes each way.

its a BEAUTIFUL day today and is supposed to be tommorrow too, i might duck out early tommorrow, why not? and take the dog to the park, we'll see. no weekend plans yet. still considering ways to get a social life and thinking about going to the unitarian service on sunday. i'm nor churchy at all and don't really consider myself any particular religion, though i do believe there is order and purpose to the i'm thinking the unitarians have ALL kinds of religions there, christians, pagans, jews, whatever so that might be the place for me to meet people. they also have cool activities like meditation and yoga. still considering it. i don't know why i have such a block about putting myself out there socially, its freakish. i mean when i'm with people i know or feel comfortable with i'm totally outgoing and the life of the party, its like i'm shy but not really...that makes no sense i realize...

the only worry that's been plaguing me today is about health insurace, that is, not having it to cover my prescriptions while i'm in law school. i mean i bet the visits to my shrink alone would be a couple hundred bucks--yikes!!! i guess i'll figure it out in the end, i mean i can't be the only person this has ever happened to can i?

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