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ah, family

vacation lust

Poland, etc.


I'm off!

2004-03-19 - 9:34 a.m.

I've been messing with my template a little, even figured out how to make links (see the bottom of the page). I'm so impressed with my computer idiot self!

The domestic violence talk to the local police went OK last night, they were much less ignorant than the last time--dare I hope that a little of my message is sinking in? Or were they just not paying attention, counting down the minutes til there escape to Krispy Kreme, I'll never know. Ah well, ITS FRIDAY! Other than watching the tournament basketball, not much planned, I'm a real sucker for sports sometimes...BTW, I had 14 of 16 picks yesterday correct--go me! Still considering the Unitarian plan...and I'm off the no sugar, no flour wagon again--you'd think losing 6 pounds last week would have given me enough motivation to stay on, obviously not..fuck.

Anyway, thought I'd take part in the Friday Five--here goes:


If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

Given my food obsession this is a tough one for me. Probably vegetarian, I'm not one, but I like a lot of the food, and there aren't enough restaurants with good veg choices out there.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

I'd like to sell an eclectic mix of vintage clothing, cool jewelry (with crystals and charms and stuff), a few books, and maybe things like political buttons, stickers, etc.

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?

Probably a memoir type book, I think I've had enough adventures to pull it off--and scare a few people!

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?

Let me first say, I could NEVER be a teacher, I think it requires an enormous amount of patience and a true appreciation of children of which I have neither...unless it was at the college level I could never pull this that level I'd probably want to teach sociology or political science..

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

I like so many kinds of music, I don't know, really, I don't...

A bit indecisive today I guess....

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